Dancing with Joy and Sorrow

Dancing with Joy and Sorrow with Madelyn Farr

SESSION 1: FIVE Wednesdays, FEBruary 5 through MARch 5, 5:30-6:45pm (ALL LEVELS)

Cost: $100-$200 sliding scale** (CLass is Limited to 12 students)

SESSION 2: SIX THURSdays, April 10 through MAy 15, 5:30-6:45pm (FOR RETURNING STUDENTS*)

Cost: $125-$225 sliding scale** (CLass is Limited to 12 students)


Dancing with Joy and Sorrow, taught by Madelyn Farr, is an offering of nurturing movement for older adults. In these classes, you will explore the power of music - joyful and bittersweet - to touch hearts and awaken a depth of expressive movement that is profoundly moving. There will be opportunities for self-directed and interactive movement designed to foster emotional safety and deeply felt bonding among participants. Individuals with limited mobility or in wheelchairs are welcome, along with all levels of dance/movement experience. Bring comfortable clothing, movement-friendly indoor-only shoes or bare feet, and come prepared to be inspired and uplifted!

To register for either class, email programs@nohoarts.org (preferred) or call the Center at 413-584-7327. Please include your name, address, and telephone contact. Course fees are payable in advance by Paypal here, or by check to “NCFA” and mailed to the Northampton Center for the Arts, PO Box 366, Northampton MA 01061.

*Students of all experience levels may register for Session 1, including those who have taken this course before. Session 2 is a deeper dive into the material, and spots are reserved for students who have previously taken this class with Madelyn. If you have not taken this class but have somatic experience, you may reach out to have a conversation with Madelyn about taking the class, pending availability.

**Please pay what you can on the scale. Payments on the upper end of the scale help support our commitment to accessibility, sliding scale rates, and sustainable teaching artist compensation, as well as our low teacher/participant ratio. For those who cannot afford the lower end of the sliding scale, financial aid is available through our Community Fund.

Madelyn Farr is a dancer/choreographer and expressive arts specialist, with a Masters in Dance-Movement Therapy. She has professional credits in her native Venezuela and in the northeast US. Madelyn explores the healing potential of Middle Eastern and other dance forms to enhance the soulful, sensual and expressive vitality of older adults - and brings her findings to her teaching practices. She is the creator of Wild Mushrooms: Aging with Art, a collaborative of older artists with a mission to inspire the artist in all of us, no matter the age!

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