Visual Art — Northampton Center for the Arts


Felt Sushi: an original wet felting technique

Felt Sushi: An Original Wet Felting Technique

Session 1: Three Tuesdays, February 18 - March 4, 6-8pm

Session 2: Three Tuesdays, APRIL 22 - May 6, 6-8pm

Cost: sliding scale $90-$180*, PLUS Materials ($30 paid to the instructor at the first class)

Come wet felt like you’ve never wet felt before! Paige Quinn-Vasic's unique wet felting technique uses fluffy wool, soap and water, and a traditional sushi mat to create a dense felt roll. It is then sliced like a sushi roll to reveal the one-of-a-kind designs that are created from the fibers of different colors shrinking together. In this class, you will learn the basics of wet felting, create and slice your own felt “sushi roll,” and finally transform them with simple jeweler's techniques to create earrings, magnets, necklaces, and more! Please be aware that this felting process requires you to work with wet, soapy wool for over an hour, rolling and pressing. All experience levels welcome!

To register, please email with your name, address, phone number, and which session you are registering for. Payment can be made via PayPal here, or by mailing a check made out to NCFA to PO Box 366, Northampton, MA 01061.

*Payments on the upper end of the sliding scale help support our continued commitment to accessibility, including sliding scale models and the NCFA Community Fund.

Paige Quinn-Vasic (she/her) is an art educator and community organizer who graduated with a BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She loves creating new and curious art making processes that combine traditional fine art techniques and crafty nostalgic materials, like shrinky dink dry point. These explorations lend themselves to her goal to bring the arts to students of any age at a high-technique, low-cost entry point. Just living in Northampton for a year and a half, she has cultivated a vibrant art club, and connected young professionals by fostering a free third space. She is working to grow this project by collaborating with its members to host skill-shares and workshops. Follow for more @paigesquinn @nohoartclub


Figure Drawing and Anatomy with Don Smith

Figure Drawing and Anatomy

Six Mondays, March 3 - April 7, 1:00-3:30pm

Cost: $250-$350 sliding scale,* plus supplies (Tuition covers the live model fee)


Learn how to capture the human form in this comprehensive "Figure Drawing and Anatomy" course taught by Don Smith. This class is designed for both beginners and experienced artists looking to refine their skills in creating realistic and accurate life drawings. Along with learning about the specifics of understanding human anatomy for artists, students will also better understand the fundamentals of drawing that are necessary to more accurately draw the human figure.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Anatomy: Learn how to build the human figure from basic shapes and how to recognize and apply anatomical (skeletal and muscular) benchmarks and construction lines to “build” figures.

  • Basic Drawing Processes: Develop a strong foundation in page composition, exploring how to arrange elements for balanced and dynamic drawings.

  • Measuring Techniques: Learn measuring techniques to capture accurate proportions and perspectives, ensuring lifelike representations of the human figure.

  • Volumetric Shapes: Understand how light, dark, and shadows interact to create volume and to describe solid anatomical forms for more realistic figures.

  • Foreshortening, Depth, and Perspective: Develop skills in foreshortening to accurately depict the human form in dynamic poses and create perspective in a three-dimensional space.

  • Lessons from the Masters: Study drawings and traditional drawing principles to gain insights into time-honored techniques and approaches to figure drawing.

  • Media: Discover drawing media options, including pencils, charcoal, and conte’ crayons to to effectively enhance your artwork, and develop your own individual style.

Throughout the course, students will draw from various models and lengths of poses, in an encouraging, supportive and collaborative learning environment. By the end of the course, you will have developed the confidence and technical skills needed to create anatomically accurate figure drawings.

For questions or to register, please email If registering, please include your full name, mailing address, and phone number. Payment may be made in advance via PayPal here or by check to “NCFA” mailed to the Northampton Center for the Arts, PO Box 366, Northampton MA 01061.

*Payments on the upper end of the sliding scale help support our ongoing commitment to accessibility and sliding scale models. If financial assistance is needed, participants may apply for Community Fund support


Materials will be discussed in detail during the first class. For the first session, please bring a pad of drawing paper (newsprint not recommended) at least 16 x 20 or larger, a set of pencils, eraser, and a portable easel if you have one (optional). The cost for supplies need not exceed $20.

About the instructor: Local art students are familiar with Don Smith’s fine art courses offered throughout New England for nearly 20 years. His first class, and one he currently offers is “Drawing from the Classics”, an anatomy class conducted at the Springfield Museum of Art in their plaster casting gallery. He has taught various academic-based painting and drawing courses at the Springfield Museum School, and currently teaches painting and drawing courses at the Hill Institute in Northampton MA, as well as on-line classes, and annual workshops throughout New England. In additional to being a full-time artist and teacher, Don recently joined a non-profit in Willington CT as their new Managing Director to expand visual art education into northeast CT. Don earned a fine art degree from the Maryland Institute College of Art, and the Hoffberger School of Painting in Baltimore MD.


Cut Loose! Create Your Own Collage Series

Cut Loose! Create Your Own Collage Series with Michael Sjostedt

Three Saturdays, March 15, 22, 29 from 10:30am to 12:30pm

Cost: $125-$200 sliding scale*, all materials included

Join Michael Sjosted of Cut Loose Collage for a new collage workshop series! Explore or deepen your artistic process by practicing techniques to create a cohesive series of 6-9 collage art pieces. This class will be held in NCFA’s Barn Door Gallery, where participants can draw inspiration from the March exhibit. Enjoy a joyful and stress-free atmosphere, where making art with others becomes a fun and memorable experience. Unleash your creativity and welcome in spring with us!

To register, please email with your name, address, and phone number. Payment can be made via PayPal here, or by mailing a check made out to NCFA to PO Box 366, Northampton, MA 01061.

*Payments on the upper end of the sliding scale help support our continued commitment to accessibility, including sliding scale models and the NCFA Community Fund.

About the instructor: As the founder of Cut Loose Collage Workshops, Michael Sjostedt offers laid-back classes for all skill levels. These sessions foster a fun, stress-free environment where participants can experiment, let go of perfection, and connect with fellow creators. Through design exercises, he guides participants in exploring new techniques and challenging unhelpful inner narratives. His blog series, Make Art, Feel Better, explores how art making can enhance well-being.

Examples of Michael’s collage series:


Vision Shift: Photography and Creative Writing

Vision Shift: Exploring Nature & Environment Through Mobile Photography and Creative Writing

A Four-Session Workshop in Seeing, Sensing, and Storytelling, Facilitated by Heather Geoffrey

Cost: $150-$250 sliding scale*

What happens when we slow down and shift the way we see the world around us? How can photography and writing help us connect more deeply with nature and our immediate environment? Vision Shift is a four-session workshop designed to cultivate presence, observation, and creative engagement with the natural world through mobile photography and creative journaling. Using the camera on your phone, along with guided writing exercises, participants will explore ways to notice, interpret, and document their surroundings in a more mindful, imaginative, and personal way. Previous digital photography experience is not necessary.

Each session will blend discussion, hands-on exercises, reflective journaling, and photography assignments to complete between sessions. The focus is on cultivating attention, experimenting with composition and storytelling, and developing a practice of of visual and written reflection that deepens our relationship with the world around us.

To register, please email with your name, address, phone number, and which session you are registering for. Payment can be made via PayPal here, or by mailing a check made out to NCFA to PO Box 366, Northampton, MA 01061.

*Payments on the upper end of the sliding scale help support our continued commitment to accessibility, including sliding scale models and the NCFA Community Fund.

Heather Geoffrey is an interdisciplinary artist whose work spans acrylic painting, digital photography, analog collage, mixed media, written word, and performance. She has dedicated her artistic practice to exploring the interplay between the physical, imaginary, emotional, and spiritual worlds. She views art as an ongoing dialogue—an exchange between the seen and unseen realms—that serves as both a source of magic and a wellspring of curiosity. Her creations act as portals, inviting viewers to step into new realms and discover the wonder within their own. Heather earned  an MFA in Interdisciplinary Arts from Goddard College where she explored The Medicine of Art, Artist as Keeper of Ancestry and Lineage, Artist as Vessel, and Borderland Theory and Expression in Artistic Process. Through her work, she seeks to deepen the conversation between art and the unseen forces that shape our lives, encouraging others to embrace the magic inherent in creativity. Heather is also the Co-Director of the Northampton Center for the Arts.


Drawing Into Watercolor and Nature with Jeannie Donovan

Drawing Into Watercolor and Nature with Jeannie Donovan

FOUR Thursdays, MAY 1-22, 10:00am-12:30pm

Cost: $150-$250 sliding scale* plus supplies (listed below)

Connect with your creative spirit in this fun and relaxing class where we will explore the elements of art and design through projects in sketching and watercolor painting, with an emphasis on nature and the landscape as subject matter. Techniques in brush application, dry brush, washes, and color mixing will be covered each week as we explore still life, composition, perspective, and our natural environment. This session is open to all experience levels and returning students.

Classes are held in Eli’s Room, our lower level studio at 33 Hawley Street. Parking is free.

To register, email or call the Center at 413-584-7327. Please include your name, address, and telephone contact. Course fees are payable in advance by check to “NCFA” and can be mailed to the Northampton Center for the Arts, PO Box 366, Northampton MA 01061, or by Paypal here.

*Payments on the upper end of the scale help support our commitment to sliding scale rates, as well as our low teacher/participant ratio. Financial aid is available through our Community Fund.

Jeannie Donovan is an exhibiting painter and papermaker with an MFA in Visual Design, who has taught drawing and painting to students of all ages for over 25 years.

Materials List:

Drawing Materials

  • Sketch book (9 x 12”) white drawing paper pad (no newsprint)

  • Drawing pencils: 2H, F, 2B, 4B, and pencil sharpener

  • 1 or 2 kneaded rubber erasers

Watercolor Materials

  • Watercolor pad (9 x 12”) rough, textured surface, cold pressed (not real expensive brand, student grade)

  • 1 sheet: Full size watercolor paper, 22” x 30”, cold pressed, 90 lb or heavier Arches, Fabriano, or other good quality brand*

  • Inexpensive camel hair or good student grade watercolor brushes: 1” flat; small detail brushes: #1 & #3; medium rounds #5 and/or #6; larger rounds: #10 and #12; Liner or Rigger brush: #3 or #4 for longer detail lines (Princeton Select brushes are good)

  • Starter watercolor kits like Koi, Reeves, Niji, Grumbacher, Cotman, or others that should include the colors cadnium red, alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, cerulean blue, medium yellow, yellow ochre, burnt sienna, burnt umber, Chinese white, black, Payne’s gray, Hooker’s green dark, sap green; you can also buy separate tube colors and not a whole starter kit, whichever is more affordable; (be sure to buy a tube of Payne’s gray)

  • Small jar of white Masking Fluid or Friskit, OR masking fluid pen (cheaper)

  • Plastic palette with small and larger mixing wells, medium size round or rectangular

  • 1 or 2 good size plastic cups or containers for water

  • 16 x 20” (approximate) sheet of sturdy cardboard or masonite board)

  • 1” roll of masking tape (or 1” roll of blue painter’s tape)

*NOTE: you won’t need the large sheet of good watercolor paper for the first class. Guild Art Supplies is a great source for materials: 1 Cottage St. Easthampton. Also Michael’s Crafts stores, or a local store near you.


Watercolor Big and Bold with Deborah Rubin

Intro to Watercolor Big and Bold with Deborah RubiN

Five Tuesdays March 11 through April 8


Cost: $200-$275 sliding scale*, plus supplies (listed below)

Students will learn about techniques, materials, and aesthetics to create three vibrant watercolor paintings. You will have exercises in color mixing, compositions, and lots more, with guidance from the instructor throughout the learning process. Intermediate/Advanced students are welcome to join, and will work at a quicker pace.

To register, email or call the Center at 413-584-7327. Please include your name, address, and telephone contact. Course fees are payable in advance by check to “NCFA” and can be mailed to the Northampton Center for the Arts, PO Box 366, Northampton MA 01061, or by Paypal here.

*Payments on the upper end of the scale help support our commitment to sliding scale rates, as well as our low teacher/participant ratio. Financial aid is available through our Community Fund.

Deborah Rubin paints in watercolor and occasionally oils and gouache. She has been pushing the boundaries of photo-realism and hyper-realism since the mid 1970’s with an eye on nature and more recently, architecture. Born in Chicago in 1948, Rubin holds a BFA from the University of Illinois.

Classes are held in Eli’s Room, our lower level studio at 33 Hawley Street. Parking is free. For questions about registration or payment, please email For questions about the class itself, please email Deborah deborahrubin8<at> or call 1-413-253-7922.


Beginner students who register four or more weeks in advance have the option to rent supplies for $25. Please email Deborah directly to confirm your supplies rental.


1 full sheet (22 x 30) hot press watercolor paper

2 full sheets (22 x 30) rough watercolor paper

Brands: Arches, Fabriano, Canson, Waterford, Whatman, Strathmore (budget)

A small (at least 8 x 10) spiral watercolor pad


To hold 15 x 22 size paper so should be a few inches larger in both directions.

Masonite is best though corrugated cardboard and foamcore will do in a pinch


Please avoid cheap sets like Reeves, Maries, Sakura etc. They will create poor paintings. Tube paints only and please bring all the tubes to class Stick to quality brands like Winsor Newton Cotman or Professional, Grumbacher Academy, Da Vinci, Holbein, Schminke, and Van Gogh. The catalogue stores/online like Dick Blick and Cheap Joe’s (American Journey) have their own brand which is very good and cheaper. Colors: any white, any black, ultramarine blue, pthalo blue, alizarin crimson, cadmium red (or hue), cadmium yellow (or hue), yellow ochre Additional colors if you want to add more are cadmium orange, dioxazine purple, lemon yellow, and permanent rose.

BRUSHES: Good brushes – a combo of synthetic and natural- are essential. Poor brushes lose many hairs and flatten out when used which will frustrate the painter. So stay away from cheap sets. Sizes: Rounds # 4, 8, 12. Also, a Japanese Hake brush at least 1 ½” wide as well as a small stiff bristle brush (used for oil painting)

PALETTE: large rectangular palette around 10 x 14, like a John Pike palette, with wells for paint all around and large mixing area in the middle. Again, the online art companies sell their version of this palette for half the price of the other brands. Please don’t get the small round ones with a small area for mixing in the middle. They won’t do.


Small color wheel

Blue painters tape (like masking tape) from hardware store

Liquid mask (sometimes called frisket) non-permanent

White vinyl eraser

#2 pencil

Rubber cement pick-up

Black fine permanent marker (micron is good)

2 Water containers (deli containers, big yogurt container)

Small portfolio to carry artwork home – not mandatory.

Paper towels

If you have problems finding everything, please get in touch with me. I have many items to sell in class in case you can’t find something or have the wrong item. Winsor Newton Cotman seems to be the popular paint in Michaels and A.C. Moore.

Any questions, email Deborah: or cell: 1-413-253-7922


Center for the Arts Drawing Group


Wednesday mornings, 9:45am to 12:45pm, $15/session ($10/session if the month is paid in advance)

The Northampton Center for the Arts Wednesday Morning Figure Drawing Group is looking for artists to join us. Please email Steve at if you're interested in joining us.

Each Wednesday morning session begins with a nude model assuming a series of short poses that increase in length from 2 minutes to 30 minutes.  There are no requirements other than a desire to draw, so bring your paper and pencil, water colors, crayons…whatever medium you choose.  Beginners and experts and all in between are welcome.  No critique or instructions, just drawing. Tables, chairs, and easels are provided.  

Don’t be late!

Please, no fixatives sprays or other materials with noxious odors.

The Drawing Group will begin meeting in Eli’s Room at 33 Hawley.


Noho Art Club with Paige Quinn-Vasic

Noho Art Club

Friday 11/8, 5:00-8:00pm

Friday 12/13, 5:00-8:00pm


Paige Quinn-Vasic brings her popular Noho Art Club to NCFA during Arts Night Out! Check out the new exhibits at 33 Hawley, then head downstairs to Eli’s Room for a Noho Art Club meet-up! Come play with collage and gelli plate printing, and and check out Paige’s felt sushi demo, an original wet felting technique that she’ll be offering through the Center soon!

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