Int/Adv Contemporary Modern Dance
Int/Adv Contemporary Modern Dance
Fridays 4:30-6:00pm
Cost: $10-$25/class, sliding scale*
Are you an intermediate or advanced dancer looking for a little more modern technique in your life? Join a wonderful group of community and professional dancers who just want to keep moving! This is a drop-in, primarily non-improvisational technique class with a monthly rotation of teachers. You can expect lots of juicy movement, time to dig into other dance artists’ movement vocabularies, inspiration for your body and brain, and the chance to connect with other dancers in Western Mass. All intermediate level dancers and beyond are welcome, so don’t be shy, come dance with us!
*Class payments may be made by cash, check, Venmo @Northampton-CenterForTheArts, or Paypal here. Payments on the upper end of the scale help support our commitment to sliding scale rates and accessibility.
2025 Teaching Schedule:
January: Madison Palffy
February: Randee Paufve
March: Ellie Goudie-Averill
April: Samantha Grossman
May: TBA
June: Shannon Nulf & Gillian Ebersole
July: Liz O’Brien
Aug-Dec: TBA
Dancing with Joy and Sorrow
Dancing with Joy and Sorrow with Madelyn Farr
SESSION 1: FIVE Wednesdays, FEBruary 5 through MARch 5, 5:30-6:45pm (ALL LEVELS)
Cost: $100-$200 sliding scale** (CLass is Limited to 12 students)
SESSION 2: SIX THURSdays, April 10 through MAy 15, 5:30-6:45pm (FOR RETURNING STUDENTS*)
Cost: $125-$225 sliding scale** (CLass is Limited to 12 students)
Dancing with Joy and Sorrow, taught by Madelyn Farr, is an offering of nurturing movement for older adults. In these classes, you will explore the power of music - joyful and bittersweet - to touch hearts and awaken a depth of expressive movement that is profoundly moving. There will be opportunities for self-directed and interactive movement designed to foster emotional safety and deeply felt bonding among participants. Individuals with limited mobility or in wheelchairs are welcome, along with all levels of dance/movement experience. Bring comfortable clothing, movement-friendly indoor-only shoes or bare feet, and come prepared to be inspired and uplifted!
To register for either class, email (preferred) or call the Center at 413-584-7327. Please include your name, address, and telephone contact. Course fees are payable in advance by Paypal here, or by check to “NCFA” and mailed to the Northampton Center for the Arts, PO Box 366, Northampton MA 01061.
*Students of all experience levels may register for Session 1, including those who have taken this course before. Session 2 is a deeper dive into the material, and spots are reserved for students who have previously taken this class with Madelyn. If you have not taken this class but have somatic experience, you may reach out to have a conversation with Madelyn about taking the class, pending availability.
**Please pay what you can on the scale. Payments on the upper end of the scale help support our commitment to accessibility, sliding scale rates, and sustainable teaching artist compensation, as well as our low teacher/participant ratio. For those who cannot afford the lower end of the sliding scale, financial aid is available through our Community Fund.
Madelyn Farr is a dancer/choreographer and expressive arts specialist, with a Masters in Dance-Movement Therapy. She has professional credits in her native Venezuela and in the northeast US. Madelyn explores the healing potential of Middle Eastern and other dance forms to enhance the soulful, sensual and expressive vitality of older adults - and brings her findings to her teaching practices. She is the creator of Wild Mushrooms: Aging with Art, a collaborative of older artists with a mission to inspire the artist in all of us, no matter the age!
Strength Training for Dancers (Non-Dancers Welcome Too!)
Strength Training for Dancers (non-dancers welcome too!)
Saturdays from 9 to 9:50 AM
MARCH 1, 8, 15, 22
Cost: $25
come to the first class and pay via Venmo, cash or check.
This class brings the best of Pilates, Floor Barre and Physical Therapy exercises to build core strength (waist, hips and low back), help prevent injury, improve balance, demystify pirouettes and boost jumps.
Appropriate for dancers of any style at any level as well as non dancers who want a good work out! Payment of $25 at the door, with sliding scale available. More info at
Mixed Level Modern Dance with Kelly Silliman
Wednesdays 5:10-6:25PM
Classes run 9/11/24 through 5/28/25 (no class 11/27, 12/25, 1/1, 2/19, or 4/23)
This mixed-level contemporary modern technique class will really get you moving! Warm-up exercises will support alignment, strength, and creating healthy movement patterns. Combinations and choreography will focus on dynamic, free-flowing movement quality and individual expression, all in a welcoming creative environment!
Class payment may be made in person via cash, check, or Venmo. Questions? Email!
Kelly Silliman is the Center’s Co-Director (formerly the Program Director), and an experienced dance educator who emphasizes healthy alignment, integrated warm-ups, individualized attention, and having fun while exploring movement and music material. Students are encouraged to develop movement patterns intended to serve their bodies long term, and to think about why we move the way we do and how the lessons of dance class can apply to life outside the studio. She makes lots of jokes and believes it’s the job of dance training to work for YOU. Kelly has over 20 years of experience as a teacher, performer, director, choreographer and scholar. She holds a BA in Theatre Arts, and an MFA in dance from Smith College.
Adult Ballet with Kelly Silliman
Adult Ballet for EVERYONE!
Brush Up on Basics Ballet - Wednesdays 4:00-5:00pm
Mixed Level Ballet - Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm
Cost: $10-$25 sliding scale per class
Drop-in, no registration required
Classes run 9/11/24 through 5/28/25 (no class 11/27, 12/25, 1/1, 2/19, or 4/23)
Brush Up on Basics Ballet: Has it been a while since your last dance class? Do you miss ballet but feel intimidated by the idea of jumping into an intermediate class? Or have you always wanted to try ballet but couldn't find a beginner option? This class is for you! In response to many requests, Brush Up On Basics is a brand new class at the Center that covers very basic ballet instruction focused on learning/relearning positions, steps, and vocabulary. We will also pay attention to building strength, healthy alignment, and having fun! No leotards necessary here, comfortable exercise-wear is just fine!
Mixed Level Ballet: This is a mixed-level ballet class that offers students a physical and mental workout while focusing on alignment and strength building in a healthy, welcoming environment. No leotards necessary here, comfortable exercise-wear is just fine! Geared towards adults but mature teens are very welcome! Beginners or those returning after a long absence from class are encouraged to check out Brush Up on Basics first.
Class payment may be made in person via cash, check, or Venmo. Questions? Email!
Kelly Silliman is the Center’s Co-Director (formerly the Program Director), and an experienced dance educator who emphasizes healthy alignment, integrated warm-ups, individualized attention, and having fun while exploring movement and music material. Students are encouraged to develop movement patterns intended to serve their bodies long term, and to think about why we move the way we do and how the lessons of dance class can apply to life outside the studio. She makes lots of jokes and believes it’s the job of ballet to work for YOU. Kelly has over 20 years of experience as a teacher, performer, director, choreographer and scholar. She holds a BA in Theatre Arts, and an MFA in dance from Smith College.
All Spring 2020 Dance Classes still available on Vimeo!!
Creative Dance, Creative Jazz, Adult Ballet, and Body Structure Fundamentals filmed during the early pandemic are available online! All classes can be found on our Vimeo page, or find direct links to classes below:
Creative Dance 3/25/20
Creative Dance 4/1/20
Creative Dance 4/8/20
Creative Dance 4/15/20
Creative Dance 4/22/20
Creative Dance 4/29/20
Creative Dance 5/6/20
Creative Dance 5/13/20
Creative Dance 5/20/20
Creative Dance 5/27/20
Creative Jazz 3/25/20
Creative Jazz 4/1/20
Creative Jazz 4/8/20
Creative Jazz 4/15/20
Creative Jazz 4/22/20
Creative Jazz 4/29/20
Creative Jazz 5/6/20
Creative Jazz 5/13/20
Creative Jazz 5/20/20
Creative Jazz 5/27/20
Adult Ballet 3/25/20
Adult Ballet 4/1/20
Adult Ballet 4/8/20
Adult Ballet 4/15/20
Adult Ballet 4/22/20
Adult Ballet 4/29/20
Adult Ballet 5/6/20
Adult Ballet 5/13/20
Adult Ballet 5/20/20
Adult Ballet 5/27/20
Body Structure Fundamentals 10
We are making this content available for free, but we hope you will consider making a donation to the Center. As a small nonprofit committed to serving our community, the Northampton Center for the Arts needs your help so that we can continue to provide affordable space for artists, performers, and educators after this crisis is over. Please consider making a donation of any amount through our website or Venmo @Northampton-CenterForTheArts.
Suggested donation: $15/class