Tell us about what you do.  

My work combines painting and movement with divination, in an effort to focus intention upon  areas of myself (or on the behalf of others) that have been closed off. I created the Tarot of the  Undiscovered Self to tap into these areas. Unlike traditional tarot, it focuses upon the process of the reading. The visual representation of that interaction can be joined by a multitude of  activities including: dance/movement, organizing, writing, meditation, spellwork, direct action, or  lucid dreaming. 

So your visual art is connected to your movement practice as well as your spirituality? 

Yes, it’s all connected. As an artist, I feel I need to figuratively and literally inhabit the realms of:  philosopher, activist, historian, storyteller, mystic, teacher...as well. That’s what’s most exciting,  but most challenging. Recognizing these undiscovered areas is crucial. Because of colonialism,  white supremacy, capitalism and other systems of oppression, everything is in distress,  including internally. As a person of African descent, I have to continuously become conscious of  how space is defined by the status quo, so that I can redefine my boundaries and try to undo  external and internal blocks caused by oppression. This carries over into my work, adding a  political/social justice focus. Whether it’s on a canvas, stage, safe(r) space, sacred space or  ritual, these are concepts that define intention as well as power.  

Can you tell us about the art in the picture that accompanies this interview? 

This piece was designed specifically with the intention of answering questions about my work.  The short paragraphs seen here are highly edited (lol), and I’ve actually learned a lot through  this invitation. Sometimes I can’t get ‘out of my own head’ so to speak. Therefore, I use the tools  I created to do just that. The Tarot of the Undiscovered Self keeps creating and revealing. It is  an unfinished map. There are three cards, or three rings of concentric aspects of existence.  Within this piece, they are titled- The Dance of Reflection, the 7 of Water and Fire Dancing  Water (traditionally: The Moon, the 7 of Cups and the King of Cups).  

What are you currently working on?  

I have a regular practice that involves my tarot. Sometimes the work is printed, but usually it’s  private. Later in the year, I hope to begin a group/class that uses my tarot as the starting point  for art, movement (with live music), dreamwork and discussion within a conscious framework  

that attempts to acknowledge internal as well as societal systemic oppression. Within the group we examine the power structures that frame the energy behind these  subjective concepts. It spans art, social justice and our spiritual journeys- focusing in on  unexamined areas where power corrupts and oppresses, as well as rejuvenates and enlightens.  The emphasis is upon developing individual tools as well as a communal process.  

Where can we find your work?  

I’ve created an intuitive portrait of my good friend, Angela Luna. She’s using it for the cover of the album, Champagne Apocalypse, by Luna and the Lost Souls. It will be released soon in 2021 on Spotify as well as on physical vinyl! https://open.spotify.com/artist/5vKXldAQUZficoOvQlEyWd?si=mkORuOaWQSy0wDQL_n3hhw&nd=1

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