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Why did you decide to become an artist?

There were so many creative outlets that came naturally to me. Growing up I marvelled over it. My seemingly unlimited talents scared me a little. The last decade has taught me to take my creativity seriously, to own it and treat it like the gift that it is. Being bold in thought, having an obsessive urge to please my cravings of artfulness helped me find a confident foundation in what I do. I honor my talents by exploring the art in me. I make my artistic images with my heart. My hopeful intention is that you enjoy them with yours.

Tell us about some other jobs you have had other than being an artist.

One of my most favorite jobs was doing a bit of everything at a little bistro in Western Mass. I learned to cook professionally under a chef who’d graduated from a “real” cooking school. I uncovered a hidden talent for creating and baking delectable creations. Honed my skills as a barista and unwittingly became the unofficial back up shop manager. I also managed a small and idyllic post office up yonder in the hills! I loved that job! I also really loved being a “woman in construction” too!

What are some memorable responses you have had to your work?

I received a random email from a woman who’d seen my work hanging at a local bakery. She was unbelievably kind. She expressed an affection for my work. Saying: each image was “amazing,” that she wished she could find words to “match the beauty you bring with your pictures.”.She mentioned some great names in art and photography that I would never in a million years compare myself to and wouldn't dare mention here. It was the ultimate compliment, I won’t soon forget Marsha’s generosity and her encouraging supportiveness towards me. If you’re reading this? Thank you so much!

Favorite or most inspirational place in the Valley?

Honestly, I am incredibly inspired by quite a few random spots here in the Valley. I don’t for one second take for granted how astonishingly rich and lush and artful the scenery is here. I have travelled some and experienced unexplainable beauty but the Pioneer Valley is a phenomenon unto itself. I’m ever grateful for the scenes I get to take in and ponder on a regular basis, so much so that I can actually say that I have a few favorite inspiring places where I can steal away, to reflect and regenerate.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

The best piece of advice I've been given is to be my authentic self, whatever that is, be that.

@lilmisswhimsypix on Instagram

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