
Tell us about yourself. Who are you and what do you do? 

My name is David Andrews, I’m originally from Chicago. I’ve lived in Mass. for almost twenty years now. I have four children, Djon 26, Aaron 21, Kiara 21, and Anthony 19. I work at Smith College Museum of Art at the front desk, many of you may recognize me from there. I`ve been there for eighteen years, and over that period I`ve become the face of the museum. My art work originally started with just pencil on 140lb watercolor paper but has evolved into so much more. I`ve incorporated sycamore tree bark, and chem chi tree bark, and even hornet's nest, all of which have brought me great pleasure working and creating with.

Why did you decide to become an artist? 

It wasn`t so much of a decision, but a feeling that kinda came over me back in 2005. While at work at the museum as a guard (that's what my original position was) I was just doing some random doodles, and I made a shaded piece and it was like WHOA that's real cool looking. I began to really get into the shading aspect doing more and more with it. A friend and co-worker S. Sullavine recommended I show my work to Brian Foote at Unite footwear, so I did Brian, loved my work and I had my first show at Unite and it's taken off from there.

What other art or artists have been inspirational to you in your work? 

I tend to look to nature for inspiration not so much other artist because I don’t want to feel like I’m copying someone else's style. I do like some of Esher`s work and Whitfield Lovell, Joe Sam, and Rodney Madison.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given? 

Don`t be afraid to be your true self. It's really hard to do, because being your true self can leave people afraid of the true you. They don`t understand what it may mean to be your true self, because everyone is truly different, and they may not want to be TRUE to themselves.

Where can we find your work?

Mainly on my Facebook page Upncominart, drawings by David Andrews. A person can see not only my work but all of my previous shows are on the page. I've shown in a number of various places including, Forbes library, Nolen art lounge@ Smith College, Hawks and Reed, and Augusta Savage Gallery.

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