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Tell us about yourself. Who are you and what do you do?

I am an educator, life learner, and musical aficionado – DJ, vinyl collector, rhythm rocker, photographer, filmmaker, student of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and a super dad!

Why did you decide to become an artist?

I never chose to be an artist or even considered me as one.  I grew up in the ’90s when music, poetry – word ‘smithing, Style Writing, dancing, fashion was all evolving to create new narratives that spoke to the rest of the world from the crevices of urban communities from throughout the country.  It was a golden time for young folks with little to no resources, a fractured public school system, and challenging social situations – to create and magnify talent on a major level. 

Tell us about some projects, you have worked on. Which one was your favorite and why?

I was the Director of New England Public Radio’s Media Lab.  This was before the merger with WGBH.  Media Lab was an afterschool program for high school students. They learned all facets of audio journalism.  I had the privilege to help build this program up during my tenure there. These students who had little to absolutely no audio experience what so ever, flourished & produced some of the most moving content I ever had the experience of being a part of.  Most importantly, to see the young folks realize themselves in a different way and begin to harness the power of their own voice was truly remarkable.

What other art or artists have been inspirational to you in your work?

I have worked as an educator for over a decade and have always infused music and art in all of the classes I taught or facilitated and the result of what students create has really been a driving force in how I get inspired.  Anyone that creates inspires me.  I don’t care if it’s cooking, gardening, making your own clothes, etc.…I am always intrigued by a person who makes, creates, or offers a different perspective through non-traditional platforms.  I would also add that being a father is truly what has kept me creating and moving into new terrains of fusing life, art, and person into the mix.  My kids are really the gems that I draw my creativity from. 

 Which habits help or hinder your creativity?

Pray. Meditate. Listen to music every day. Read. Train. Love heavy & laugh as often as I can. I would say this is about what keeps my creative tank full.


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