Watercolor Big and Bold with Deborah Rubin

Intro to Watercolor Big and Bold with Deborah RubiN

Five Tuesdays March 11 through April 8


Cost: $200-$275 sliding scale*, plus supplies (listed below)

Students will learn about techniques, materials, and aesthetics to create three vibrant watercolor paintings. You will have exercises in color mixing, compositions, and lots more, with guidance from the instructor throughout the learning process. Intermediate/Advanced students are welcome to join, and will work at a quicker pace.

To register, email programs@nohoarts.org or call the Center at 413-584-7327. Please include your name, address, and telephone contact. Course fees are payable in advance by check to “NCFA” and can be mailed to the Northampton Center for the Arts, PO Box 366, Northampton MA 01061, or by Paypal here.

*Payments on the upper end of the scale help support our commitment to sliding scale rates, as well as our low teacher/participant ratio. Financial aid is available through our Community Fund.

Deborah Rubin paints in watercolor and occasionally oils and gouache. She has been pushing the boundaries of photo-realism and hyper-realism since the mid 1970’s with an eye on nature and more recently, architecture. Born in Chicago in 1948, Rubin holds a BFA from the University of Illinois.

Classes are held in Eli’s Room, our lower level studio at 33 Hawley Street. Parking is free. For questions about registration or payment, please email programs@nohoarts.org. For questions about the class itself, please email Deborah deborahrubin8<at>gmail.com or call 1-413-253-7922.


Beginner students who register four or more weeks in advance have the option to rent supplies for $25. Please email Deborah directly to confirm your supplies rental.


1 full sheet (22 x 30) hot press watercolor paper

2 full sheets (22 x 30) rough watercolor paper

Brands: Arches, Fabriano, Canson, Waterford, Whatman, Strathmore (budget)

A small (at least 8 x 10) spiral watercolor pad


To hold 15 x 22 size paper so should be a few inches larger in both directions.

Masonite is best though corrugated cardboard and foamcore will do in a pinch


Please avoid cheap sets like Reeves, Maries, Sakura etc. They will create poor paintings. Tube paints only and please bring all the tubes to class Stick to quality brands like Winsor Newton Cotman or Professional, Grumbacher Academy, Da Vinci, Holbein, Schminke, and Van Gogh. The catalogue stores/online like Dick Blick and Cheap Joe’s (American Journey) have their own brand which is very good and cheaper. Colors: any white, any black, ultramarine blue, pthalo blue, alizarin crimson, cadmium red (or hue), cadmium yellow (or hue), yellow ochre Additional colors if you want to add more are cadmium orange, dioxazine purple, lemon yellow, and permanent rose.

BRUSHES: Good brushes – a combo of synthetic and natural- are essential. Poor brushes lose many hairs and flatten out when used which will frustrate the painter. So stay away from cheap sets. Sizes: Rounds # 4, 8, 12. Also, a Japanese Hake brush at least 1 ½” wide as well as a small stiff bristle brush (used for oil painting)

PALETTE: large rectangular palette around 10 x 14, like a John Pike palette, with wells for paint all around and large mixing area in the middle. Again, the online art companies sell their version of this palette for half the price of the other brands. Please don’t get the small round ones with a small area for mixing in the middle. They won’t do.


Small color wheel

Blue painters tape (like masking tape) from hardware store

Liquid mask (sometimes called frisket) non-permanent

White vinyl eraser

#2 pencil

Rubber cement pick-up

Black fine permanent marker (micron is good)

2 Water containers (deli containers, big yogurt container)

Small portfolio to carry artwork home – not mandatory.

Paper towels

If you have problems finding everything, please get in touch with me. I have many items to sell in class in case you can’t find something or have the wrong item. Winsor Newton Cotman seems to be the popular paint in Michaels and A.C. Moore.

Any questions, email Deborah: deborahrubin8@gmail.com or cell: 1-413-253-7922

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