Moving Through

Moving Through

A Community Dance Performance

Saturday, August 6 at 4:00pm

Tickets $10-$25 sliding scale

Advance Tickets available here!

On August 6th, join Lisa Leizman Dance Company and NCFA Adult Modern Dancers for a dance performance inside and outside of 33 Hawley. Moving Through will begin outdoors, then move into the Flex space, and is an offering of rest, resilience, and shared creativity.

The Lisa Leizman Dance Company:

Brittany Ankiewicz, Iris Berkman, Elisabeth DePergola, Chandra Hancock, Elizabeth Haymaker, Kirsten Kapteyn, Andrea Kwapien, Lisa Leizman, Alexis Major Jameson, Teri Malinofsky, Maggie Newey, Lauren Preston-Wells, Mary Seterdahl

NCFA Modern Dancers:

Alena Brocker, Alexis Major Jameson, Cara Takakjian, Ella Carlson, Gwen Martin, Jonathan DeVilbiss, Laila Copperansky, Michelle Marroquin, Natalie Graves, Sarah Fairbanks

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