2nd Annual Trans Day of Visibility Resource & Art Fair

2nd Annual Trans Day of Visibility Resource & Art Fair

Sunday, March 31st from 4-7 pm


Join community members from around Western Massachusetts as we come together to celebrate our strength and resiliency on Trans Day of Visibility!

Featuring a resource AND art fair showcasing affirming and inclusive community based organizations; trans and gender expansive artists displaying and selling their artwork; a gender affirming clothing swap; name change support and legal resources; as well as light refreshments. The event is free and open to youth, families, and community members. 

Location will be inside the Northampton Center for the Arts at 33 Hawley. There is an accessible entrance, all gender restrooms, parking, and a community support team made up of community volunteers to help ensure our space will be comfortable and safe for our community. 

For a history of Trans Day of Visibility, please visit: www.glaad.org/tdov

For more information about the organizers, Translate Gender, please visit: www.translategender.org. For questions, please contact info@translategender.org

Sponsors include: Wildflower Alliance, Sanctuary Northampton, MA LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce, House of Colors, Community Action of the Pioneer Valley - Gen Q, Northampton Recovery Center, TransHealth, among others! 

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